(Crime Crackdown)
一线刑警的李成阳(孙红雷 饰),不断遭到保护伞的打击,黑恶势力的陷害,甚至顶头上司,公安局长等人为了阻止他的调查而构陷他,导致他身陷囹圄,最终在中政委和中央督导组的指挥和领导下重获自由,后来他联合公检法司各部门,将盘踞在中江市十几年的两大黑恶势力团伙一网打尽,并将黑恶势力的保护伞和腐败的政府官员绳之以法,还中江政坛一个干净的政治生态,还中江百姓一个清朗的社会环境。
“黑社会”英语怎么说?请参考以下文章(以下为链接):“黑社会”用英文怎么说?可不是black society!
Ever since China launched national crackdown on gang crimes in 2018, the country has endeavored to fight gang crimes through a series of actions, including making legal policies and setting up a tip-off platform. According to a poll conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics in the first half of 2020, 95.1 percent of the Chinese people are satisfied or partly satisfied with the results of the country's special campaign.自2018年全国开展扫黑除恶专项斗争以来,通过制定法律政策、设立举报平台等一系列行动打击黑恶势力。国家统计局2020年上半年民意调查显示,95.1%的群众对专项斗争成效表示“满意”或“比较满意”。要深入整治民生领域的“微腐败”、放纵包庇黑恶势力的“保护伞”、妨碍惠民政策落实的“绊脚石”。Greater efforts should be made to address "minor corruption" in areas related to people's livelihood, "protection umbrellas" that shelter gang crimes and "stumbling blocks" to the implementation of policies designed to benefit the people.——2020年1月13日,习近平在十九届中央纪委四次全会上发表重要讲话
Peaceful China initiative
the modernization of social governance
build the rule of law in China
Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!
“爬山”的英文可不是“Climb Mountain”,那英语怎么说?